Importing cars is a much popular choice than buying a local model in Pakistan. There are a lot of used cars for sale in japan for export, that’s where Pakistani’s import cars from Japan to Pakistan.
An estimated record of automobile Pakistan motor dealers association (APMDA) shows that yearly 70 000 cars are imported by Pakistanis. Most of those vehicles come from japan.
Japanese cars have a huge impact on citizens of Pakistan, both overseas and within the national boundary.

The highest record of Pakistan import from japan was in 2017, which was 351 020 products. These imported items included trucks, cars and more.
The way you can buy a Japanese car is not that complicated. We have listed the process out for you step by step, so that you can have a better understanding of how to import a Japanese car.
Import Cars from Japan to Pakistan – Step by Step Guide
- There are many web pages selling Japanese cars in Pakistan. Search the best web sites to import cars from japan to Pakistan, login and select category or company you were looking for.
- Select your favorite car model, color you are willing to buy.
- The web page will provide you with the necessary information such as C&F, car price, auction fee, etc.
- Make sure to read the Auctions form carefully. To fill it up either be sure that you have enough knowledge to solve or take help from someone who has full knowledge of it, also known as, experts
- After wards if you are interested of buying the car you will have to deposit the amount of 10000 USD initial to the company. It is compulsory to pay auction fee to participate in biding.
- Auction fee is completely refundable. The company will send it back to you if you lose the bid.
- You will get notified by company about your win or lose situation on the due date mention on the auction form.
- If you win the bid, then you will have to transfer the remaining price along with C&F charge in companies account.
- After confirmation, the company will provide you with shipping documents, which will involve, original invoice, original exports services in japan, translated export certificate in English, two copies of original bill of lading.
- The car will reach Karachi port in estimated 15 days, if the weather condition is likely.
- Lastly, you will have to hire a custom agent to deal with the process of clearness including, passport fee, port charges and more.
Now that you are aware of how to import a Japanese car you should also have a clear view of the schemes and policies of Pakistani government before making the final decision.
Scheme and policies for importing used Cars
- Cars up to three years old can be imported into Pakistan, thanks to gift and personal baggage schemes.
- It is no longer compulsory that the vehicle can only be registered under the name of Pakistani national for import because of the personal baggage and transfer of residence scheme.
- All Pakistanis can import new cars and the overseas Pakistanis can now also import used cars.
- Under gift, residence of transfer and personal baggage schemes, overseas Pakistanis holding green card can import cars.
- Overseas Pakistanis can buy a used car from the market close to them
- Import duty on the new car up to 1300 cc is 50%, whereas, on a car up to 1800cc in 65%, and the more than 1800cc cost 75%.
- Import duty on used car, maximum for 2 years, with 1300cc is 2%
- cars below 1300cc in not encouraged to be Imported
- Large car are more encourage importing with duty of 75% to 100%.
- Under gift scheme, the person can send a car to either of his/her siblings
Beware of scamming: Safely import Cars from Japan
Importing a car can be a bit complicated. At such times many peoples try take advantage from your difficulty. They try to complicate the process and cost of importing a car from japan.
Most of them try to sell you defected cars behind the image of brand new and will try their best to lure you by cheap pricing. Since importing cars is on height these days. Such businesses, of selling faulty cars are also on rise.
We are aware of the fact that it is hard to differentiate between scam and authentic, but is necessary. Before making a deal, make sure to go online and look up for the original price of the car, if buying a new car.
If someone is offering you unbelievably less price then original, don’t go for it.
If buying used car make sure to consult with someone professional or experienced they will help stay away from frauds.
You can even find imported cars in local market. It is safer to buy a car from there as it is physically present and can be easily examined with less chance of scamming.
Final words – Importing Japanese Cars to Pakistan
All the cars come in many different colors, shapes and sizes. People try their best to persuade you in to spending money on their station.
Just make sure to make the right decision at the right place. Don’t get lured by fake pricing. Always follow the government of Pakistan’s policy about importing cars in Pakistan.
Try your best to get help from someone professional and experienced before making any sort of rational decision.
I would like to go through Gift scheme for Japanese imported cars please advise the procedure as I am residing OVS
I want to import cars Japan to Pakistan
Hello, I am an overseas Pakistani (UK resident) want to import SUV under gift scheme. Can someone guide me in this please.